- Modern Korean history
- Intro. To Korean language (these two classes are for international students only)
- International Organizations and Development
- Understanding global media
- Fair trade and social enterprises
These courses are subject to change within the next week, but I believe they're set in stone for the most part and I'm very happy with them. During orientation, I met some fellow American friends and had a lovely conversation with two ladies from France.
I still do not have any roommates, and I am starting to think I might have this room to myself. The facilities are top-notch and very energy efficient. I frequently visit the gym/lounge/garden on the 29th floor of our building (see views below) and have been taking walks around the city to familiarize myself. Its a beautiful place.
Classes begin tomorrow! More updates coming at you soon.
Watched the sunset from the lounge of my building. Breathtaking. Personal note: watch the sun set more often.
I took this photo from Namsan park, one of my walking destinations. I live in the middle-back building in the cluster of towers.
Used my first squatter the other day, folks. It was quite the experience.