There has been much political tension going on in South Korea, if you haven't yet seen on the news. I was able to witness thousands of individuals walk and chant down the street last Saturday, calling for the resignation of President Park Guen-hye. President Park is accused of being manipulated by a close confidante in many political affairs. The confidante allegedly has no political experience and is associated with a cult leader. President Park still has a year left in her term and has immunity while in office, hence the people's cry for her resignation. Her approval ratings are now dipping below 5%. I was very impressed at how peaceful the protest was, considering the vast number of people involved. I have heard that protests will persist until Park steps down.
I am also attaching a video I have compiled of Mariem and I's Jeju Island trip a couple weeks ago (see my last post for a detailed description). I hope you enjoy it!
Taking up ballet at the Trick Eye Museum.
A display at the Lantern Festival.
Montage of Jeju Island!
Great video Annie!